Now that River has earned his Rally Excellent, what next for training? There is a higher level that can be earned by qualifying in both Advanced and Excellent at a show ten times. Amanda is not interested in pursuing this; fine by me. So she is starting Noche in a Beginning Rally class Thursday. River is in a Novice Obedience class; Amanda says she does not want to compete, but is interested in learning to train some of the skills. Directed retrieving, drop on recall could be fun in therapy work and she can just learn more about training in general.
Last weekend we attended an agility trial at In The Net, Palmyra, and she really wants to compete in agility next. Her agility teacher thinks that River can be ready for Novice level soon. She also think Noche, with some control - he has none now - has the potential to do well in agility - he is speedy. She has been out this summer with health issues and Amanda has missed her; first time back for River only tomorrow. Let's see what he remembers. Weave poles, hmmm?