Seems to be a common pattern in blogs, enthusiasm and frequent entries, then dwindling posts, a break and hopefully, a return with renewed energy.
Noche and River are both still training in agility; private lessons with Karen Sage. We also added classes at Flexible Flyers Agility in Honeybrook for a while. Amanda's health issues have necessitated a break from those for the moment. They were certainly a valuable learning environment. Both dogs had an adjustment to make dealing with a new location and other dogs. It is especially challenging in the cooler weather; classes are held in a 4H building, unheated, mostly dirt floor and port-a-potties ( Amanda dislikes!) and did I mention the 45 minute drive? Classes are a reasonable size, but of necessity, there is taking turns for runs, so it is scheduled as an hour and a half class time. Excellent teacher and lots of experienced competitors, although she was in an advanced beginner class. I'm optimistic that she'll get back to it, perhaps in warmer weather?
She discontinued the Novice Obedience class she disliked - preferring when she can talk to the dog, not the style of traditional competition. River has also enjoyed some classes in Nosework at Wendy's.
Our other adventure was attending a flyball tournament in York where we got a tutorial from Kim & Eric and watched several of their teams run. Lively atmosphere is an understatement! Amanda was interested enough that we took Noche to one of their team practices. He did pretty well after some adjusting to the new location. It was an eventful practice with one injury to a team member - no gloves and a dog caught her hand. Amanda decided against further participation at this time. Health constraints, combined with a full schedule, and again, a long evening drive to the location ( although they do have heat and real bathrooms). Not ruling it out for the future - Noche would really love it, in my opinion.
Noche is making progress in Rally. Also improving his focus overall. Still some challenges with reactive barking. Amanda contends he is fearful of big black dogs and so barks at them. We are also working on getting him comfortable with new people; getting better there, too. Maybe we'll make a therapy dog of him yet!
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